Help support us in our mission to reach more people. Your support helps us
to continue our efforts and stregthen our outreach.
We thank you for your support! Click the :"click here to donate " button below to donate.
Tired of writing cheques or scrambling for cash in your wallet? Want to continue to support the parish and even earn reward points on your credit card? Want to help save paper and envelopes and save some trees? Donate online!
Do you want to donate for general collection ,maintenance fund, Mass stipend, Flowers, duplicate copies of
Sacrament certificates etc.? This is how.
Powered by, you will be given the option of donating to St. Boniface Parish using credit cards, Paypal , Interac, Google Pay or Gift card.
In an effort to make donating easier and simpler, the parish has set up this quick and easy way to donate..
Every donation through will generate for you an income tax receipt immediately.
Click Here to Donate
You may also wish to e-transfer your donation via the parish email address: